Sudüşen Waterfall Yalova Termal

One of the valuable parts of Yalova Sudüşen Watervfall is inside the borders of Termal District. The location is quite attractive for having entertaining moments just with the people with you who are important for you just in the heart of a natural beauty. While, you are having something to eat in the picnic fields presented to its guests, nested inside a green nature in company of sweet murmur of the waterfall, you will also recognize that your soul is resting.

What about watching it 4K from the air?

Sudüşen Waterfall is 6 km to Üvezpınar Village of Termal District of Yalova Province. If, you are to visit here for a daytrip, you can reach the waterfall in 2 hours through the ferryboat departing from Eskihisar, the high-speed ferryboat departing from Pendik or if you prefer circling the gulf. Also, you can reach Yalova in 5 minutes through new Osmangazi Bridge. Distance between Yalova and Termal is about 11 km and if you continue for 6 km towards the mountains after Üvezpınar Village just over Termal, you reach the place where the waterfall is located. This 6 km asphalty road continues after the place where the waterfall is located but then it is only a stabilized road.

In addition, you can stay in this place which is quite cooler than other places for long hours and walk throughout the stream.

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