First visit to Yalova
Atatürk visited Yalova for the first time on Monday, 19 August 1929 at 16:00 and was met with great interest from the public. He toured the hot springs and gave instructions on improving the place. He went to Baltacı farm and became interested in the situation of the immigrants there. Visiting Yalova again on 20 August 1929, Atatürk went to Bursa via Yalova on 21 August.
On Saturday, August 29, he came back to Yalova with Prime Minister İsmet İnönü. After that, Yalova became a place where Atatürk did his summer work, rested and made important decisions.
restructured Yalova
Immediately after Atatürk discovered Yalova (5 days), he had about 400 craftsmen (Blacksmith, Electrician, carpenter, mason) brought to Yalova and mobilized for the revival of the city. He has the Thermal Leaded Bath repaired. Yalova Thermal road is corrected, Samanlı and Yalova streams are cleaned. Yalova’s first zoning plan is made with Atatürk’s directive.
Spent 311 days in Yalova
In the following periods, he visited Yalova 13 times daily. He stayed in Yalova for 311 days and 273 nights after his permanent visits 27 times.
He loved Yalova very much.
While traveling from Ankara to Istanbul by train, he would receive the authorities on the way and get information about the work done in Yalova.
He used to make the most important decisions of the state in Yalova.
While Yalova developed rapidly with Atatürk’s close attention, Atatürk hosted local and foreign statesmen and guests in Yalova, and made many of the most important decisions of the state here. It was prepared in Yalova for the meetings that it attaches great importance to. While describing the workplaces of Atatürk, the place he talked about the most, apart from Istanbul as a city, was Yalova.
It made an accident from the township of Yalova and connected it to Istanbul.
Shortly after Atatürk’s arrival in Yalova, Yalova gained the status of a district from the township. Then it connects to Istanbul, which has much better budget opportunities.
He admired the thermal spas
He admires Atatürk Thermal spas. He immediately attempts to make this a world-famous center. In order to take over the hot springs from the person who runs the spa, a commission is established from the notables of Yalova. The price is determined by the commission. While determining the price, care is taken not to harm the former operator and the person who runs the spas is paid the necessary payment. Sadullah Güney, General Manager of Seyr-i Sefain, is appointed as the authorized person for the repair and revival of Termal. Forest roads are opened in a short time. New hot and cold water pipes are laid in the hot springs. New water tanks are built. The road between Termal Yalova is arranged and plane trees are planted on both sides of the road. The waters and the diseases in which the water can be beneficial are investigated.
Thanks to Atatürk, it has become one of the most beautiful HEALTH, HEALING, NATURE AND RESTING corners of the Thermal World. It is possible to see the memory of ATATÜRK on every stone of this center.
Pandeli Usta, who was the most famous gardener at that time, was appointed for the garden arrangement. He has served Pandeli Usta Termal for more than forty years.
- He was very interested in flowers. He loved all flowers, collected wildflowers, wore a daisy on his collar every day. Even in winter, he would come and wander the forest.
- He liked to talk with the peasants, workers and soldiers about the livelihood of the people and the course of the administration.
- He enjoyed listening to troubles and being helpful to everyone, and saw everything with his own eyes.
- He didn’t know anything about arrogance.
- His orders were clear and precise in the works he believed in.
- He knew how to take heart, encourage and appreciate.
Expenditures for thermal are shown as a steamer material. Since the weight of the pipes taken was too much, the finance inspectors inspecting Sadullah Güney, the General Manager of Seyr-i Sefain, found the expenditures to be illegal and suggested that Sadullah Bey be taken to court. Atatürk calls the inspectors to Çankaya and discusses the situation.
“My pastor is fine. No one worked for personal gain at the place of consumption. They say that only illegal consumption has been made. Atatürk to the inspectors;
“Look at the work and work done with the legislation. The country will not develop with your opinion. Since a law cannot be made for every business, good things stop for the country. Let’s not offend those who are very good for the country,” he says and sweetens the event.
- Thermal’s natural beauties and healing waters.
- Finding suitable areas for making sample farms in the region.
- Being in a central location in terms of transportation.
- The resettlement of immigrants from different regions and the difficulties they face in the region.
- Efforts to make Termal a world-renowned health center.
- Construction of Thermal Atatürk Mansion.
- He started the operation of ferryboats from Istanbul to Yalova every day.
- Yalova Thermal Hotel.
- Starting the fight against malaria.
- Layout arrangement.
- A road of 12350 meters long and 10 meters wide with dense trees on both sides between the Çınarlı hiyaban and Yalova pier.
- The efforts to take Turkish history long before Islam, the historical revolution sprouted and took shape in Yalova.
- The Outline of Turkish History was shaped and published in two volumes as a result of the negotiations held here.
- He would personally examine and direct the history books in schools here. Atatürk’s views on this subject are expressed in the following sentence: “Writing history is as important as making history. If the writer does not remain faithful to the creator, the unchanging truth takes on a nature that will surprise humanity.”
- The Turkish Historical Society and the Turkish Language Society were established after studies in Yalova.
- The Free Republican Party, an important step in the History of Turkish Democracy, was initiated in Yalova. He assigned Fethi Okyar Bey to Yalova for this purpose.
- He took the decision in Yalova that the technical schools would not be closed, but would be multiplied.