Karaca Arboretum is located on Yalova-Terman road, 5 km to the city center inside the borders of Samanlı Village. It was founded by Hayrettin Karaca in 1980 on 13,5 hectares of area. It is a landscaping-based collection, a living tree museum. Currently, the arboretum hosts almost 7000 different plant species, subspecies, varieties and cultures.
Karaca Arboretum is the first private Arboretum of Turkey.
The Arboretum hosts several species and cultures and significant collections of Acer, Prunus, Malas, Magnolia, Quercus, Betula, Pinus, Agabeyes Picea species. Arboretum is open to public visit between 13.00–18.00 in Sundays. Other than this, the arboretum is open to visits of groups and schools in other days provided that a reservation is made. The tour takes about 1.5 hours in company with a guide. The visit is done by making a donation to the TEMA foundation against receipt. Karaca Arb. is visited by about 15.000 domestic and foreign visitors in a year.
Today, the most important activities of Karaca Arboretum are providing internship opportunities for University students and increasing knowledge of the people as it is open to public. One of other activities is to provide plant materials to other Arboretums and Botanic gardens in various locations of Turkey. Another one is to provide horticulture training, make seed exchanges with other Arboretums and Botanic gardens in several locations of the World, continue expanding its plant collection and establish new gardens inside the Arboretum.
The funds needed for all these activities are provided through the Karaca Arboretum Nursery located in Karaca Arboretum. The nursery is open everyday.
Karaca Arboretum was bestowed an award by the International Dendrology Society in 2004 and this award was presented to Mr. Hayrettin KARACA in 27 June 2004 through a ceremony organized in Karaca Arboretum by the Director of the International Dendrology Society . Up to then, this award was only been bestowed to 14 Arboretums or Collection gardens in the World. It has been the 15th Arboretum bestowed that award.